The wood mouse and the rabbit find a rag doll in the woods. This strange thing doesn't smell like spring air, or feel like rough bark. More woodland animals investigate, seeking a clue to where it came from, and only discover more things they don't understand—a road, a house, and a child who looks like the doll. But when they leave the doll for her to find, they see something they do recognize: the tenderness of love. Expressively drawn animals and a gentle, resonant story make this a perfect book for snuggling with readers and listeners up to 8.
Lost And Found
Lost And Found
Item #: D42507
The wood mouse and the rabbit find a rag doll in the woods. This strange thing doesn't smell like spring air, or feel like rough bark. More woodland animals investigate, seeking a clue to where it came from, and only discover more things they don't understand—a road, a house, and a child who looks like the doll. But when they
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