This beautifully illustrated story follows a girl and her adorable piglet as they take a magical journey to explore the endless potential in all of us. It’s an important reminder that maybe, just maybe, pigs were meant to fly and you were meant to soar! Hardcover, 40 pages. Super-soft piglet plush is the same companion from the story, with removable flight cap and kissable nose. Polyester, 6½”h x 5″w x 9¼″l. Surface wash. Imported.
Maybe Book and Plush Pig Gift Set
Maybe Book and Plush Pig Gift Set
Item #: HAZ262
This beautifully illustrated story follows a girl and her adorable piglet as they take a magical journey to explore the endless potential in all of us. It’s an important reminder that maybe, just maybe, pigs were meant to fly and you were meant to soar! Hardcover, 40 pages. Super-soft piglet plush is the same companion from the story, with removable
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