In 1973, TV viewers watched dramatic life events unfold in the home of the William C. Loud family of Santa Barbara, California, in The WNET Group’s groundbreaking documentary series An American Family. Chronicling the lives of its seven members, the television series made parents Pat and Bill Loud and their five children instant celebrities.
Unlike most documentaries of its day, An American Family had no host, no interviews, and almost no voice-over narration. Producer Craig Gilbert presented the family's daily life--as captured by filmmakers Alan Raymond behind the camera, and Susan Raymond covering sound--in the style of cinéma verité. It was the most controversial and talked-about television program of its era.
This 50th Anniversary Edition special captures the most memorable and compelling moments of the original 12-hour public television series that made TV history.
BONUS FEATURES: Includes the remastered versions of all 12 episodes of An American Family—witness dramatic life events unfold during the seven months that the family lived in front of the camera.
Producer: Jane Buckwalter, Charlotte Mangin, Craig Gilbert
Executive Producer: Stephen Segaller, Neal Shapiro
Production Company: The WNET Group
Production Year: 2023
Copyright Year: 2023
Director: Alan Raymond, Susan Raymond
Number of Discs: 3
Length: 835 minutes
Number of Episodes: 13
Subtitled: Y
Subtitle Languages: English (SDH)
Audio Format: Stereo
Aspect Ratio: 16x9 Widescreen